Hanmoodo's construct principles
Shamdeawonlee :三大元理 - Three big Principles
1. Junwhan - 轉換 - The draw and discharge to other's attack
2. Youkruy - 易流 - The flowing and change to other's attack
3. Shimwha - 深和 - The received and transform to other's attack
These are curvilinear motion expressed by the movements of the feet and legs, the waist and body, the arms and hands. Three principles use horizontal and vertical turning force, and linear power from the humans' body. Three big Principles are the simple idea of exercise and original state before learning martial arts and it is base of martial arts. And Three big Principles are one of Korean traditional philosophes.
1. Junwhan - 轉換 - The draw and discharge to other's attack
Training Concept : This concept is push or pull the other side by changing other people's power through their own curvilinear motion, control and unable to hold ground by the absorption and discharge against enemy's attack.
2. Youkruy - 易流 - The flowing and change to other's attack
Training Concept : This is to enervate enemy by adding ownself power in the direction of enemy's power movement, and control and unable to hold ground by the flowing and change against enemy's attack.
3. Shimwha - 深和 - The received and transform to other's attack
Training Concept : This is to add ownself power to enemy's power when receiving enemy's attack by flexibility of the body, and control and unable to hold ground by transform against enemy's attack.
ai chi is a gentle form of exercise that can prevent or ease many ills of aging and could be the perfect activity for the rest of your life.