Hanmoodo Sword & body Types, Ranks
Sam rea 三禮 - Three Manners
1. Sa rea - Manners for teachers 師禮
2. woo rea - Manners for students 友禮
3. Kum rea - Manners for swords 劍禮
Sam do 三刀 - Three Sowrds
1. Il Do - one sword 一刀
2. Ee Do - Tow swords 二刀
3. Oi Do - Awe sword 畏刀
Sam gong 三功 - Three Training
1. Ip gong - Standing training 立功
2. joa gong - Sitting training 座功
3. woa gong - Lying training 臥功
Oh Ki 五己 - Five Bodies
1. Eep shin - Standing body 立己
2. Joa shin - Sitting body 座己
3. Woa shin - Lying body 臥己
4. Ban joa shin - Half sitting body 半座己
5. Sit square body 正座己
Chil do 七刀 - Seven Swords
1. Jeep do - Way to hand with sword 執刀
2. Bal do - Way to start for handle, draw sword from a sword case 拔刀
3. Nap do - Way to insert in and draw from sword case 納刀
4. Chun do - Way to carry sword on the shoulder 天刀
5. Leep do - Way to Put one's sword for support 立刀
6. Ye do - Way to as sword for observed the proprieties 禮刀
7. Gu do - Way to keeping for sword 居刀
Ee bal 二拔 - Way to grip sword
1. Joa do - Grip to left fore hand Sword 左刀
2. Woo do - Grip to right fore hand Sword 右刀
The name of Hanmoodo's rank
Il yunsung : 一鍊成 - 1st Dan
Lee yunsung : 二鍊成 - 2nd Dan
Sam yunsung : 三鍊成 - 3rd Dan
Sa yunsung : 四鍊成 - 4th Dan
Oh yunsung : 五鍊成 - 5th Dan
Oyuk yunsung : 六鍊成 - 6th Dan
Chill yunsung : 七鍊成 - 7th Dan
Pal yunsung : 八鍊成 - 8th Dan
Goo yunsung : 九鍊成 - 9th Dan
kyubum : 敎範 - Assistant Instructor
Kyubum : 敎範 - Assistant Instructor
Sabum : 師範 - Instructor
Sabum : 師範 - Instructor
Sabum : 師範 - Instructor
Soosa : 修師 - Master
BupSa : 法師 - Master
Sunsa : 仙師 - Old master
Jongsa 宗師 : General Master - The most reverend Master of the head family from Hanmoodo's people.
How many types of cupping are there?
In addition to the traditional form of cupping described above, which is known as “dry” cupping, some practitioners also use what is called “wet” or “air” cupping.
In “air” cupping, instead of using a flame to heat the cup, the cup is applied to the skin, and a suction pump is attached to the rounded end of the jar. The pump is then used to create the vacuum. In “wet” cupping, the skin is punctured before treatment. When the cup is applied and the skin is drawn up, a small amount of blood may flow from the puncture site, which are believed to help remove harmful substances and toxins from the body.
Is cupping safe? Does it hurt?
While cupping is considered relatively safe (especially air cupping, which does not include the risk of fire and heat), it can cause some swelling and bruising on the skin. As the skin under a cup is drawn up, the blood vessels at the surface of the skin expand. This may result in small, circular bruises on the areas where the cups were applied. These bruises are usually painless, however, and disappear within a few days of treatment.
In addition, there are several instances where cupping should not be performed. Patients with inflamed skin; cases of high fever or convulsions; and patients who bleed easily, are not suitable candidates for cupping. Pregnant women should not have cupping on their stomach or lower back. If the cups are being moved, they should not cross bony areas, such as the ridges of the spine or the shoulder blades.